Hi, I am Georg , Georg , Georg and Georg .
Pick a Georg and see what I’ve created!

Georg mit Laptop

Hi, I am Georg , Georg , Georg and Georg .
Pick a Georg and see what I’ve created!

Hi, I am Georg, Georg, Georg and Georg.

Pick a Georg and see what I’ve created!

X Projects

Let’s take a look
BA Thesis Georg Bagdenand

UI Design • UX Writing • Prototyping

Psychotherapy in Germany

Psychotherapy in Germany

Psychotherapy in Germany

Bachelor Thesis

Finding a place for psychotherapy in Germany is a pure imposition—or to put it in Greek mythology words: “a nerve-wracking user odyssey”.

As the demand for psychotherapy has risen sharply in recent years and I had to go through this user-torture myself, I had decided to tackle this topic in my BA-Thesis, rethink the whole process as part and transform the journey into a more human one.

Particular attention was paid to research on design principles for people with mental health issues

Georg mit Laptop

UX Design • UI Design • Prototyping

Medical Plan for Bloomwell

Medical Plan for Bloomwell

Medical Plan for Bloomwell

This is a case study for Bloomwell—one of Germany’s leading providers of medical cannabis.

I created the concept and the user interface for the medical plan of the patients. The focus was on the functionality of the medical plan by itself as well as the notification for the medical intake of the medicine and an overview of the health development of the patients.

Georg mit Laptop

UX Design • UI Design • Prototyping • UX Writing

Kleinanzeigen. Fein anzeigen.

Kleinanzeigen. Fein anzeigen.

Kleinanzeigen. Fein anzeigen.

Kleinanzeigen is one of the most popular German online flea-markets. It’s known to be a quirky place where you find pretty much everything due to the sheer amount of vendors—whom are pretty often quirky themselves.

In the context of a university course I’ve decided to give this digital fella a little but fitting “User-Interface-Lift”. My intention was to upgrade it to the (former) newest iOS-Guidelines while keeping its character alive.

The project was advised by Frank Rausch.

Georg mit Laptop

Concept • Design • FrontEnd • UX Writing

My own site seeing tour.

My own site seeing tour.

My own site seeing tour.

My portfolio website has been simply crafted by myself.

I concepted it on a paper, designed it with Figma and brought it to life with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

I hope you’re enjoying it.

Georg mit Laptop

UI Design • Prototyping • UX Writing

The beast experience of Berlin.

The beast experience of Berlin.

The beast experience of Berlin.

Robben & Wientjes used to be an iconic car rental service in Berlin. It was a local, popular and especially “furrious” brand because of its cheeky testimonial: the seal or as we say in German “die Robbe”.

Since I enjoyed this service and its original Berlin staff I had decided to give their digital service a redesign or rather a new user-centred and comfy skin for the dusty seal.

As always: I didn’t just put a new pretty make-up on this product, I rethought the whole user journey based on an UX audit and research.

The end result was a flexible and unique user-friendly product based on a completely selfmade design system.

Georg mit Laptop

UI Design • UX Writing • Prototyping

The Artwalk of History

The Artwalk of History

The Artwalk of History

“The ArtWalk of History” is the oldest catwalk in history. It is the first digital fashion show where “models” from the 15th–19th century conquer the stage and try to fascinate with an extraordinary wide range of historical garments, costumes and accessories.

Starting point for this idea was the collection (digitised and curated by the UCLAB) of the Berlin Publishers Frieda and Franz von Lippernheide, who gathered over time around 1600 paintings, sculptures and garments—all in the attention of fashion.

Georg mit Laptop

Digital & Analog Product Design • UX Design • UX Writing • AI Art

360° service for a garden market

360° service for a garden market

360° service for a garden market

Schnelles GrĂźnzeug is different. It is a tiny garden market from the north of Germany. Despite its tiny size, it has many extraordinary stories and products in its backyard garden. Schnelles GrĂźnzeug grows rare, special and endangered vegetables and fruits in a permacultural habitat. Like any other commercial garden market, it produces a surplus, but instead of just using it as compost, it upcycles the leftovers by fermenting them and selling them as fermented products in its online shop.

My job was to give this garden market a complete 360° makeover, both digitally and in “real life”. I created designs, text, photos, videos, AI art and much more.

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Art Design • Concept • Copywriting

My first cookbook

My first cookbook

My first cookbook

Best Cookbook 2023

Nowadays a lot of people know how to ferment. But hardly anyone knows how to cook with fermented vegetables. That’s why DUMONT, my father and I have published the first cookbook to teach you how.

Cooking with fermented vegetables isn’t just healthy, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities. One of the reasons is that ferments have a lot of umami flavour, which you can use in amazing ways to create mouth-watering dishes.

It’s one of my favourite projects, not only because I got to eat a lot of good food along the way, but also because I was responsible for a lot of different tasks: concepting, creating recipes, cooking the food, and capturing it all with my camera.

The fun paid off: In 2023, it won first place as the best cookbook in the “international cuisine” category.

Newmove Logo

Concept • UX Writing

A creative jump start for used cars.

A creative jump start for used cars.

A creative jump start for used cars.

A good friend of mine wants to turn the second-hand car industry upside down. He said, it needs a fresh start, with young and motivated people. The industry became opaque, dodgy and stressful.

So I decided to give him and his business a jump start.

Besides the CI I had created for this brand I am most proud of its claim. Their focus was on honesty. There is no BS nor scamming. They say it like it is and offer fair deals.

This is the foundation for a sustainable business, loyal customers—and long lasting cars on streets.

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Concept Car Campaign

Concept Car Campaign

Concept Car Campaign

In 2016 Mercedes Benz was launching their new vision of autonmous driving—in the form of their concept car F015.

They were looking for a strong and simple way of communicating its ground breaking potential: When you don’t have pay attention to the street, you can invest it in your very own quality time.

That’s how I came up with the idea that it will literally change everything, even the way we perceive distances. Quantity measurements become quality measurements.

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OBI. DIY is cheaper.

OBI. DIY is cheaper.

OBI. DIY is cheaper.

Silver Troy Award

OBI is Germany’s biggest DIY Store. To emphasise that I wanted to show that it literally pays up to go to OBI. The idea was the recreate famous art by OBIs DIY products.

Instead of buying a plain blue painting by Barnett Newman for $109.9 million you can simply do it yourself with the products of OBI - for only 32.97€.

This was supposed to be shown as a print campaign as well as a promo action.

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Art Design • Concept • Cooking

Bauer & Baron

Bauer & Baron

Bauer & Baron

A very good friend of mine wanted to open up her first restaurant—but then Covid happened. Nevertheless her concept was amazing: The restaurant was supposed to work along the “From Farm to Table“-philopshopy and offer fresh regional food for everyone—but cooked royally fine. There to say a restaurant for Barons and Bauern (Farmers/Smallfolk).

I wanted to illustrate this claim in its logo—and found a beautiful way to do so (in my opinion). I’ve managed to combine two symboles of both worlds in one logo: the garden fork of the farmers and the crown of the royals.

It’s these multidimensional art works that inspire and excite me most.

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Art Design • Concept • Cooking

Fette Fermente

Fette Fermente

Fette Fermente

In 2020 I was running my first own restaurant in Leipzig. Though it was just taking place for two weeks I am super proud of it.

The whole thing was a promo for my father’s fermented products. With the help of friends I came up with a culinary concept that was simple and super tasty: Fermented Food combined with Fast Food. It‘s probably the healthiest and tastiest fast food you can get.

Besides the culinary concept and the cooking I also created the marketing assets like logo, menus, ads and photos.

Georg mit Laptop


Music Video Faugères.

Music Video with Faugères.

Music Video with Faugères.

My best friend once visited me in Berlin. We went out to Ritter Butzke—there he fell in love with electronic music. As a passionate musician since his childhood he went back to his place, built a own recording studio, locked himself in there for two years, got back to me and said: “Georg, I’ve made music. You wanna record it?”

Though videography is not my main profession I am very proud to share it. First of all because I find it astonshing what FAUGÈRES was able to learn and create it this period of time and secondly because it was my very time working with a gimbal, recording with it 30 minutes straight — with x different takes.

I hope you enjoy as much as I do.