Ein neues Fell für die Robbe.
Ein neues Fell für die Robbe. Ein neues Fell für die Robbe.

UI Design • Prototyping • Copywriting

The Artwalk of History

The Artwalk of History

The Artwalk of History

“The ArtWalk of History” is the oldest catwalk in history. It is the first digital fashion show where “models” from the 15th–19th century conquer the stage and try to fascinate with an extraordinary wide range of historical garments, costumes and accessories.

Starting point for this idea was the art collection (digitised and curated by the UCLAB) of the Berlin Publishers Frieda and Franz von Lippernheide, who gathered over time around 1600 paintings, sculptures and garments—all in the attention of fashion.

While working on different concepts, the digital catwalk seemed like the perfect environment to offer an accessible and engaging platform to experience the historical fashion. It wasn’t just a familiar platform to fashion fans, it was also an promising instrument to convey this collection.

description of gif

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A Collection of Historical Fashion

A Collection of Historical Fashion

A Collection of Historical Fashion

As mentioned: The ArtWalk of History is a digitized and visualised Data-Set of around 600 paintings. It contains 400 years of fashion history in the forms of digitizied paintings, garments and artefacts. It originates from a collection of the Berlin Publishers Franz and Frieda von Lippenheide.

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Comprehensive Descriptions

Comprehensive Descriptions

Comprehensive Descriptions

Thanks to the UCLAB Potsdamthe collection came with an extensive set of detailed ontologies, vocabularies and thesauri—which allowed us to creatively work with.

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Customize your own Artwalk.

Customize your own Artwalk.

Customize your own Artwalk.

We had decided to structure the descriptions into user-friendly categories, which also seemed interesting for fashion fans to discover: Head and Neck, Upper Body, Lower Body and Accessories.

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Artwalk View

Artwalk View

Artwalk View

The restructuring of the details allowed us now to play with the presentation of the collection. It gave us more control and was the core instrument of the digital catwalk.
Now you were able to “dress up” your models by choosing your garments you were most interested into it. As soon as the selection was set, the Catwalk was ready to shine.

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Network View

Network View

Network View

Since the collections ontology gave us a beautiful information network we also wanted to represent the intersections between all the “fashion models”. Therefore we also implemented the “Network View” where visitors had the chance to dive into more detailed information and understand relationships among the art pieces.